Steadicam Replacement Pads for the Steadicam Fawcett Exovest.

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€ 72,50 exkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Now with military style elasticated webbing, and with two reversible memory foam pads, for working in both warm and cooler climates and to allow for easy washing of the fabric.

5-7 Werktage / 5-7 working days
Exovest Pads


Replacement Pads for the Steadicam Fawcett Exovest.

Now with military style elasticated webbing, and with two reversible memory foam pads, for working in both warm and cooler climates and to allow for easy washing of the fabric.

Blue memory foam visible through mesh is for cooler temperatures.

White memory foam visible through mesh is for warmer temperatures.

1.5" / 38mm Thick

Attaches via Velcro loops.


Vest requires x4

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